Friday, October 31, 2008

Election Goes Down in History

One of the most memorable elections is about to go down into history. This presidential election could make or break the United States of America. As Obama and McCain battle it out America awaits to see what damage will be done. Will Obama raise taxes or will McCain keep us in the war in Iraq? This question is something that all Americans will have on their minds as they walk up to the polls to place their vote. Obama is all about redistributing the wealth among the poor, and by doing so raising taxes on those that make a certain income. McCain states that raising taxes in a bad economic climate is the worst thing that you could possibly do.
Obama wants to get our troops out of Iraq as soon as possible. What about all those troops that have lost their lives already, if we pull out now then those troops would have lost their lives for no reason. We have not finished what we were sent to do in Iraq it would be a waste to pull out now. McCain believes to keep the same winning strategy that we have now. He feels we should bring our troops home with victory and honor
I agree very strongly with McCain. Either way I feel that each candidate will lead America into some disappointment.
Republican states that seem to be a for sure vote seems to be losing more and more ground each day. McCain has seemed to have lost his home state of Arizona. As of today Obama leads McCain 131 electoral votes, just three votes higher then he was up yesterday. This election will go down into history books, an election that may very well cause fights to break out or cause an assassination.

Friday, October 17, 2008


The blog discussing the McCarthy-like investigation into the anti-American activities of liberals is definitely intended to fuel the fires of a democratic-based audience. The title of the blog, Bachmann anti-American, along with the blanket statements listed throughout the “article” all point to a more liberal view of politics. The credibility of this particular author, although unknown, is hard to determine. The facts stated seem to be accurate, but the ways in which they are portrayed are definitely less than objective. For example, the claim that “all liberal views are anti-American” seems to be an extreme interpretation of Rep. Michele Bachmann’s statement. I think it’s worth investigating Senator Barack Obama’s patriotism, or lack thereof, as he is vying for the position of president of the United States of America. If we cannot count on our president to be pro-American, who can we count on? He will be representing our country in all matters – finance, international affairs, environmental issues, etc. However, I don’t necessarily agree with a McCarthy-like investigation by the media (of all sources) into the anti-American activities of Congress. After all, isn’t the McCarthy era one that our country has learned from and would like to avoid repeating? Also, why should the media, who in my opinion, are notoriously biased to the Democratic platform, be the initiators of such an investigation, assuming one is actually necessary? I would think an official investigation by the Department of Justice would be more appropriate. It’s interesting that a Republican (allegedly) made such a suggestion.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Did She Do It?

On October 2nd 2008 a vice presidential debate was held between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. A writer from the “Dallas Morning News” argues the fact if Palin survived the debate. In my opinion yes, I feel that she held her own! She stood strong! Although she did not fall, she also did not prove herself to the American people!
The Arthur of the editorial “Palin survives to fight another day” ( that she did not fall flat on her face, but at the same time she did not win the debate either. This editorial was trying to get the American voters attention, and opinions on how they felt Palin did. I completely agree with the Arthur on the fact that the debate did not change the dynamics of the race. I feel that it still is leaning towards Obama.
Mr. Biden was very strong when he spoke about the issues concerning our government’s economy. As Mrs. Palin spoke very strong about making our government energy independent. The Arthur aggress as well when it comes to who spoke better on what topics. There are some topics that I disagree with in the editorial. I feel at the start of the debate Palin showed how nervous she was. She started out very slow and not really giving answers to the questions that were asked. I feel that she kept going back and repeating the same things over again when Biden would take a shot at something she said. She did how ever get better towards the middle of the debate. The editorial states that Palin started out sharp, and strong. I’m not sure which debate the Arthur was watching but it was not the start of the same one I was.
I feel that the Arthur has a slight liking to Mrs. Palin when it comes down to it. I do feel Palin did hold her own, but I don’t feel that she did as well as the editorial is giving her credit for!